Blog: First-month Check-in of New School Year Routines and Systems


Your child or teen has likely been back at school for at least a few weeks. Now that you probably have a clearer sense of what to expect with the new school year, it is a great time to review the systems and routines that have been set up, 看看是什么在起作用, 什么不是, and even what you started implementing and have not kept up with.


  1. Does your child/teen know what assignments they must do each day or week?
  2. 他们清楚在哪里找到他们吗?
  3. Is your child not getting all their assignments turned in and on time?
  4. Is their desk or work area still very neat and organized like it may have been when school started? 是否需要再次管理或清洁?


  1. Encourage your child/teen to list out all assignments they need to complete each day/week. 这可以在纸质计划中完成, 谷歌文档, 电子计划/任务列表, 白板, 或其他地方.
  2. Recommend that your child/teen mark off each assignment after it has been completed/turned in and sit down together to double-check that every task has been completed if needed.
    1. Encourage your child/teen to check their online portal daily (if applicable) to catch any missing assignments quickly.
  3. Have a weekly check-in where you review the grade portal/upcoming assignments together and make a plan for the week. Reviewing the weekly schedule and planning for days when there is less time to complete homework would be helpful.
    1. Consider keeping a typed log of the main things discussed and agreed to (i.e., child will talk with teacher about missing homework from 9/18) to make it easier to increase accountability about follow-through.
  4. Have a set time each day to ensure the desk area is organized and tweak things as needed. Doing a more thorough cleaning/organizing of the space may be necessary first.


  1. 你的孩子/青少年是否总是准时起床上学?
  2. Have you solidified a system for ensuring everything is packed up (including lunches, if applicable)?


  1. Create a checklist for the things that must be completed in the morning.
  2. 调整告警的使用方式. Consider one alarm as the initial wake-up and a second to indicate that it is time to get out of bed. 典型告警不足, consider an app such as Alarmy or unconventional alarm clocks such as ones that vibrate or roll.


  1. 你的孩子/青少年是否按时上床睡觉?
  2. Does your child/teen have enough time to finish homework without staying up late?


  1. Create a set time to begin the evening wind down where your child/teen disconnects from electronics, 一项活动能让你放松吗, 然后开始准备睡觉.
  2. Consider encouraging your child/teen to review their weekly schedule and block out chunks of time for homework. If they use the available time regularly and still cannot get task done without staying up late, see what afterschool activities can be adjusted to allocate more time for homework. 另外, determine if more time on the weekends could be used for schoolwork to offset the time needed in the evenings.


  1. Are you overwhelmed keeping track of your child/teen’s schedule with sports, 其他课外活动, 医生的预约, 还有其他项目?


  1. 分享d electronic family calendar (color-coded by person if desired) such as Apple or Google Calendar.
    1. Travel time, who is doing which drop off/pick up, and other essential details included in the event.
  2. 共享任务列表系统(i.e.、提醒程序、Todoist)
  3. 在公共区域的白板上列出每周或每月的时间表
    1. 需要定期检查和更新.
  4. 每周的家庭会议来回顾一周的工作, 当出现运输问题时,解决物流问题, 根据活动提前计划晚餐, 并根据需要涵盖其他相关内容.

I hope this article helps get you thinking about what you and your child/teen should continue doing, 回到正轨, 你可以开始做些什么来让事情变得更容易、更好.


