
School will be starting up within the next few weeks for most children and teens. It is hard to believe another summer is almost over. 然而, 开学前, now is the perfect time to think about what worked well last year with certain routines (i.e., 早...., 课外的, 晚上), 什么没有, and have a fresh start to get things set up in a great way for the fall.

Here is a simple list of recommendations that you may want to work collaboratively with your child or teen on to set up for the new school year for them and for you. 每个孩子和青少年的需求都是不同的, so you will need to adjust the list and specific tools accordingly.

  1. 基本的自我照顾(例如.e.(睡眠、早晚习惯).
  2. Help yourself and your child or teen to re-establish basic self-care routines (i.e., 睡眠, 早...., evening routines) and get used to getting up at the time that they will need to do so for school. Write out step-by-step plans as needed to help with follow through such as:
    1. 早上6点:第一个闹钟响了.
    2. 6:05 AM: Second alarm from Alarmy app goes off from phone that is in hallway. 关机后,一定不要上床.
    3. 早上6:06:淋浴. 设置10分钟的计时器.
    4. 早上6:16:穿好衣服. 前一天晚上留下的衣服.
    5. 早上6:25:做早餐,打包午餐.
    6. 早上6:35:吃早餐.
    7. 早上6:45:带上Chromebook和水瓶.
    8. 早上6:50:晨走.
    9. 早上7:10:去上学.
  3. Decide what things are essential in the 早.... and must or would be ideal to weave into a 早.... routine. 例如:
    1. 家庭团聚的时间.
    2. 早晨散步/体育活动.
    3. 屏幕或屏幕空闲时间.
    4. 家务.
    5. 首页work (for some younger elementary school kids who wake up early and have packed after school schedule)
      1. Get your child/teen’s input on what they want to do, 它的顺序, and try to finalize a routine that matches their interests as feasible while standing firm on certain expectations/rules you hold.
  4. Have your child/teen be responsible for certain tasks that they are capable of doing themselves such as packing or helping pack their lunch, 灌装和包装他们的水瓶, 给Chromebook充电.
    1. It is important that they have tools such as a checklist, 亚马逊回声提醒, or other strategies available as part of a concrete plan so they can be successful. Kids may need extra help at first getting into a routine with doing these things and extra oversight especially initially may be necessary as a backup.
  5. Take time to plan meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each week. 你们可以全家一起做菜单.
  6. Develop or use a good way to track everyone’s schedule. 用于长期跟踪, an electronic calendar that can be shared as a family might work well such as an Apple or Google calendar. 每周时间表, 除了任何数码产品, using a whiteboard calendar or something similar for each child/teen and the parents kept in a central location could be helpful.
  7. Help your child/teen set up or organize a good workspace for completing homework. If they have trouble sitting still while working, they could try:
    1. Desk bike/elliptical to pedal slowly while working.
    2. 瑜伽球或摇椅.
    3. Standing desk topper and balance board to rock on.

这个列表并不详尽, but hopefully will be a good starting point in helping you get your family prepared for the new school year.


